Mitzi Williams DPM, FACFAS is a pediatric foot and lower extremity surgeon who specializes in congenital deformities. Dr. Williams previously directed the Pediatric and Infant Foot Deformity Clinic at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California for over 15 years. She joined the Dobbs Clubfoot center at the Paley Institute in 2025. Between her and Dr. Matthew Dobbs this center treats all pediatric orthopedic concerns. Dr. Williams is internationally recognized for her expertise in treating pediatric foot and lower extremity deformities and more importantly makes it her mission to empower children worldwide. She seeks out a child's superpowers!
She remains one of the few pediatric podiatrists globally.
Dr. Williams is the author of My Boots, My Big Boots, My Talus, My Strength and My Fun Feet. She dedicates these children's books to the patients and their families whose stories spark inspiration.
She has authored numerous surgical textbook chapters, research publications, and surgical textbooks.
She welcomes children and their families into her practice.

This book discusses many pediatric foot conditions. Excellent book for schools, pediatricians and all specialists treating children!
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Conditions Included in My Fun Feet:
Metatarsus Adductus
Femoral Anteversion
Internal Tibial Torsion
Vertical Talus
Accessory Navicular
Tarsal Coalitions
Limb length discrepancy
Polydactyly and Syndactyly
Curly Toes
Cleft foot
Ingrown Toenails